Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Do not attempt to adjust your television set...

Welp, due to various technical gewgaws I failed to iron out at some earlier point in the previous year, my video-based reviews will be on an indefinite hiatus. Apparently somebody beat the living hell out of my microphone, and none of the computers in our house have a Firewire port.

The first problem will have to wait, but I managed to snatch up a firewire card for cheap on Tigerdirect.ca This much pleases me, and I should be able to start editing footage from my camera (A Samsung SC-D372 for those who care) in the very near future.

I may put up some 'Let's Play' videos or something in the meantime, just to get into the habit of regularly reviewing material and producing, editing, and uploading video. Don't expect them to be stellar though; even I have my doubts as to how good they'll be.

First up will probably be 'Realms of the Haunting'; it's old enough I'm pretty sure there aren't that many Let's Play's of it... I can recall one off the top of my head on YouTube that was pretty good, but not very funny or entertaining in my opinion.

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